60 minutes: peeling + detox + foot massage + body lotion
90 minutes: peeling + detox + foot massage + luxurious Alqvimia body lotion
120 minutes: peeling + detox + foot massage + pedicure + luxurious Alqvimia body lotion
During this relaxing 25 to 30 minute process the warm water is ionized and split into H+ (acidic) and OH (alkaline) ions. These ions are able to enter the body through the 4,000 large pores of the feet. Then the circulatory and lymphatic systems transport the ions throughout the body. These ions neutralize oppositely charged toxic ions in the cells that are normally slow to exit the body. In this way, all the body’s organs can become energized and stimulated to function optimally. The body then rids itself of these toxins through the pores of the feet during the ionize then continually after through the normal processes of urination, defecation, and perspiration.
90 minutes - 34500 HUF
120 minutes - 42000 HUF